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All Equipment will be designated here Any Explanation Below

Main transport of bits and bobs will be by Doc with help of a van from Aberdeen, anyone travelling from there and want goods shipped can leave them at 57North Hacklab to be picked up before he leaves.

It may be possible to pick goods up on the way is required.

Equipment Responsible Person
Consular Offices Doc
Consular Stereo Ormiret's box
Consular Chairs
Consular Shelving Doc
Consular Aircon Ormiret
Consular Carpet
Network [tj]
Power 240/12/5v Doc, (Provide to tables in Tents)
10m multi output UK Plugs
EU style plugs?
Saddam's Palace Doc (Dependent on Nordin's Dependability) [Nordin: ??]
Beanbags for Palace Doc
Assad's Gazebo Doc
Table for Gazebo
Chair for Gazebo Deerocrat
Ali's Annex Doc (Kindly borrowed from Mike)
Tables for the Annex
Chairs for the Annex
Border Paintwork
Lights ormiret lights
Buildup Tools

Remember we will be sharing with Milliways, and if you join you have access to their excellent infrastructure

emf2018/equipment.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/31 20:24 by Hibby