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Kitchen Planning

Anyone got a spare propane cylinder? 6kg or more? Please contact Nick and bring it to CampGND.

Back to Overview

The communal kitchen provides main meals. Drinks and snacks are DIY. Hot water is provided but please BYO tea and coffee.

We provide six meals at campGND. Everyone's expected to help with the kitchen. If you would like to organise a meal please contact Nick. If you can wash dishes then sign up to do dishwashing below.

Sitting Meal Organiser Chief dishwasher
Friday lunch Supermarket sandwiches & pastries Nick N/A
Friday dinner Curry + TBD dessert Kenny any takers?
Saturday breakfast fry up on rolls volunteers? any takers?
Saturday lunch Pizzas? Rob? any takers?
Saturday dinner burgers and chips + apple cake Nick any takers?
Sunday breakfast Pancakes volunteers? any takers?


We provide water and hot water facilities. You can contribute to the kitchen by fetching water and making sure the hot water facilities are clean and working. Sign up for a day below.

Day Chief Waterer
Friday any takers?
Saturday any takers?
Sunday any takers?


All times are targets, this is not a professional operation :)
Breakfast: 09:00-10:30
Lunch: 13:00-14:30
Dinner: 19:30-21:00


Item Qty Model Owner AvailabilityNotes
Propane Cylinder 1 Calor 6KG Scotcon All Weekend 11kW max output
Large Gas ring 1 Eurocamping 1115CE Scotcon All Weekend 7.5kW output
Propane double adapter 1 Brass Y M/F POL Tee Connector Scotcon/57N All Weekend ebay
Griddle 1 Nisbets Buffalo CR886 Scotcon/57N All Weekend 7.5kW output, 15kg
Griddle spatula 1 D391 Vogue Solid Turner 255mm Scotcon/57N All Weekend Nisbets
Griddle scraper 1 D394 Jantex Griddle Scraper Scotcon/57N All Weekend Nisbets
Prep/serving bowls 4 Sainsburys - stainless Scotcon/57N All Weekend
Tongs 4 DF668 Nisbets Essentials Catering Tongs 240mm Scotcon/57N All Weekend Stainless
Measuring Jug 1 2L plastic Scotcon/57N All Weekend Asda
Knife set 1 Chefs knife, bread knife, 2 x paring knives Scotcon/57N All Weekend Asda
Peeler 1 grey plastic Scotcon/57N All Weekend Asda
Chopping Board 3 Plastic, real thin Scotcon/57N All Weekend Asda
Kitchen spoon 2 Nylon, black Scotcon/57N All Weekend Asda
Wooden spatula 2 Flat ended Scotcon/57N All Weekend Asda
Dishwashing tubs 2 grey plastic Scotcon/57N All Weekend Asda
1 ring camping stove 2 Scotcon/57N All Weekend
15cm frying pan 1 Scotcon/57N All Weekend
Trangia 1 or 2 25L Andy All Weekend
campgnd2024/kitchen.1720447859.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/08 14:10 by Nick