====== CampGND 2018 ======
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Scotland's first Hacker camp. `--|_,`'
===== What is it? =====
The hackerspace goes camping.
We pick a field and get our toys out. Play by day, drink around a fire by night.
===== When is it? =====
1-3 June 2018
===== Where is it? =====
Northern Scotland. [[http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/57.5008/-2.6293 | Forgue, Near Huntly]].
===== How Do I get there? =====
It's roughly an hour's drive inland from Aberdeen.
There is a train station 12km or so away in Huntly.
There will be some people driving who might have spare seats, or can shuttle you from the train station.
===== What should I bring? =====
Everything, and probably a kitchen sink.
We like to go somewhere with very few amenities (and poor connectivity). You should bring whatever you need to survive, a project to hack on/make/play with and some stuff to burn too.
If you need food, drink, fire or supplies, there is a [[http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/57.44223/-2.79808 | supermarket]] ([[http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/57.44876/-2.80456 | actually 2!]]) nearby in Huntly.
===== How many people will be there? =====
Last year there were maybe 10 of us, this year we're thinking at least 10 with a maximum of 30.
==== Confirmed Attending ====
^ Name ^ Project ^ Coming From ^ Mode of Transport^ Space for Others? ^
| [tj] | The Network, maybe some lights | The City between the mouths of the Dee and the Don | [tj]'s car| Maybe |
| Hibby | VHF Radio beam antenna, [[https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/57.4971/-2.6396 | Local OSM improvement]] | Aberdeen | Hibby's Car Oh shit hibby can't drive and has no car| nope |
| Nick | Bacon Rolls. WHO Oral Rehydration Therapy (hangover cure) | Edinburgh, via Aberdeen | Car | One way from Aberdeen to campGND |
| Nordin | DIY inflatables | Aberdeen | Minivan | Lift from/to Aberdeen or to nearest train station (1 person)|
| Sean | tba | Aberdeen | Car | 1 other as the car doesn't have a ton of storage space |
| Jim | tba | Glasgow | Horseless carriage | maybe |
| oholiab | nfi | Lon Don | [tj]'s car | nope |
| a / Allie / Alfie | techno, donk, and some internet, maybe | Edinburgh | mini, if i haven't sold it by then | maybe |
===== Boring Orga Shit =====
[[campgnd2018:events:boating | Boating]]
[[campgnd2018:layout:map | Site Map]]
[[campgnd2018:network:network | Network]]
[[campgnd2018:power:power | Power]]
[[campgnd2018:power:lighting | Lighting]]
[[campgnd2018:Emails | Emails]]